North Park Fuels

International Aviation Service prides ourself in great customer service all around. At our North Park location our fuelers are trained to fuel all types of aircrafts and try to do so in a timely and professional manor. We not only fuel planes at the Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport but also at Lake Hood and Lake Spenard. If you have a smaller plane and may be interested in creating an account with us please give us a call or fill out the application below and email it to

Fuel Credit Application
Want to become a customer? Fill out this application and send it to or come by the office to meet our staff. We look forward to serving you and your fueling needs.
IAS Fuel Credit Application.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [34.3 KB]

International Aviation Service, Inc.
2550 Postmark Drive 
Anchorage, Alaska


Fueling: 907 243-1515 907 243-1515
Accounting: 907-243-0756

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© International Aviation Service, Inc.